I have completed my first semester of seminary with the feeling of accomplishment, relief, exhaustion and giddiness. Given the advice to write down on a calendar all the due dates of the papers and exams, the end of the semester looked pretty daunting. I shared this calendar with my family, so that everybody would be aware of the times when I needed to study and buckle down. I do believe that this is a habit that will continue throughout my seminary experience. Speaking of family, mine are rock stars in all of this. My kids say they don’t even realize that I am at school because their schedule hasn’t changed. It has, they just haven’t noticed. On the days where our school schedules didn’t mesh they went to friends houses which was a treat in their minds, but a life-saver to me. I have a wonderful circle of friends willing to take my kids if there are last minute schedule conflicts. I have a husband whose work schedule is flexible enough to be home with the kids when needed. With this I say that God is good, all the time.
I am feeling like I have made the right choice to come to seminary. All of the experiences so far have led me to believe that this is the place I am supposed to be. Through all of the hard work and frustration, finally getting to that ah-ha moment when things become clear is rewarding beyond belief. Receiving encouragement from my professors has been a lifeline when I am not feeling so confident. Feeling the camaraderie with my fellow seminarians gives me the energy I crave. Witnessing authentic dialogue between classmates and professors feeds my soul and calms my spirit. It is like I am learning to swim, and understanding the basics, I am now ready to move on. Seminary is teaching me the life skill that I will need when I face the vast sometimes turbulent waters of life and am able to boldly swim with confidence and perseverance.
I will not be taking a January-term class and am excited for next semester. For now I am going to enjoy the holidays with my family.
- Sarah Kronkvist, MARL student
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